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4 Tips to Make Your Morning Easier (and make that bus!)

  Let’s be real parents. Getting the kids out the door during the school year can be chaotic. At some point we all fall into a routine of raising our voices and frantically rushing. It’s time to tame the madness. Use our four time-tested tips to keep morning mayhem to a minimum. TIP 1 - Prep the Day Beforehand When your child gets home from school have them prepare for the following day right away. Provide your child a simple list of three things they need to do such as pack their lunch, prep their school bag, pick out the next day’s outfit, etc. before allowing them to swing into their evening routine or veg out. Having your child to...

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5 Tips for Improved Work-Life Balance

A healthy work-life balance is achieved when we are mindful of our priorities and time down to the minute. As we enter into October, National Work and Family Month, it is the perfect time to reflect on how we all can achieve a healthier work-life balance. Read our top five tips below to help you strike a better balance in your life. TIP 1 - STICK TO YOUR PRIORITIES On a daily basis we take part in high priority and low priority tasks. High priority tasks add great value to our lives and are typically things such as family, work, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, etc. Low priorities add little value to our lives and are typically things such as watching...

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All in the Family

I began my entrepreneurial journey over a decade ago as a newlywed living in New York City's Upper West Side. Just weeks after launching my first business CitiKitty in 2005 I learned my husband and I were expecting our first child.      The vision I had of me, a strong young female entrepreneur, hitting the streets and growing my business were quickly replaced with morning sickness, doctors appointments and frequent trips to the restroom. And just as I was wrapping my head around motherhood and ready to spend my last weeks prepping for my sons birth he flew (out of my womb) into our lives over 7 weeks early.  Before Mitchell was even home from the hospital and had topped 5 pounds...

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